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iris : female lead has me kicking my feet back and forth giggling with my hand to my mouth while batting my eyelashes
Need a buff soft man : I'm performing a forbidden ritual so that the new chap is uploaded as soon as possible
Monkey D. Zoro : Chapter 62 and 63 is too far fetched suddenly an annoying old man shows up idk where he came from wth
minitoma : Fuck chuungi, and I mean this with my entire being. The audacity of this bitch to blame HIS decision to end their friendship on jiho for not coming out, all just cuz he’s upset that jiho will never return his feelings. Also, it’s not that jiho hates being gay, it’s that society constantly reminds him every second of how his queerness is mocked and unaccepted, and he knows that if he comes out, he risks losing his family, his friends, his career as a public figure, and his entire support system. Thats why it’s always ultimately HIS DECISION to come out, and why it’s not up to some fucking green haired manwhore who only thinks with his dick whether he should come out or not. Every aspect of Jiho’s life is at stake here, and Chuungi should understand this. You should never be blaming the individual for being closeted and afraid, you should be blaming the systems, institutions, and people in power that actively instill those fears every day of their lives. The nerve of this man.