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Canah UwU : Ot didn't show but at the end THEY HAD SEX!!! I'm glad our mc here has gotten comfortable with him in an intimate matter, I love this two, it's been a while since I read a pretty good BL, There's no toxicity behind them when they started dating
Dyna : The story went badddd after they bring up the cult because the first quarter(?) of the story was actually fine lmao i was expecting to see more of ml story arc cuz i feel like we didn't get any? But aside from that i loveee both mc and ml. They just cute and have good dynamic and Honestly the only reason why im reading this is just to see more of them lol well overall good cast but teribble plot choices and very bad ending like what was that?????
Igotnothingonmymind : Bro turned into sukuna
Miyan shin : Oh dear Dietrich you asked why Wilhem changed so much well who won't change after being played by your loved once? And as for the child.....I feel pity for him
Hua Cheng's second-in-command : any news on when this will come back?