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Laurel : How did NONE of the problem being solved. Basically just sweep it not even under the rug the dirty dirt is just being left there. Shes being bullied? Welp too bad. The Gods acting shady? Nothing we can do about that. How about the prince that fooled her? Surely shes can at least demand some answer? Lmao nope. How about the shitty commoner ex? Oh we're just about to start on that matter. Lets guess how it will end tho lmfao but i can already guess it.
tomka : godDAMN can i have Nico holy shit dude he is fine AS FUCK
Chocopops : He's better than me cause i wouldn't have waited 35 years for someone. Realistically the love will lessen and all that will be left is just stubbornness and dedication to achieve his goal. 35 years is a lifetime. There might be some longing for the past and for the young love but the complete devotion would be more due to obsession rather than love at that point. But that's just me tho