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Con : Blud is so in love he doesn't even know it
Fleischbarbie : I kinda feel bad for ML. I know he did wrong but I hope he finds someone else to be in love
KingSeraph : guess judith ain’t all that sweet lol
Nichi : PPL keep asking why the art style change, SERIOUSLY NOT PAYING ATTENTION the old artist said that he cannot further continue to illustrate which is why it is said on the special chapter "its not because I don't want to" "but have to" something like that, we cannot force them and im sure they have their reason lets just appreciate the new art style and not complain abt it LIKE SRLY!? if you don't like it then make ur own to your own cup of tea.
Rin : "this....is dangerous" YEAH NO SHIT SHERLOCK like tf you standing there for???? MOVE BRUH
nini : feels like the plot is moving somewhere now