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banannogram : It's contradictory in the way lee ja-in approaches humanity. In the description it sources that humans fear what they do not understand therefore commit atrocious acts. Under this inclination, Lee Ja-in in his impression of humanity does exactly that. Despite encountering individuals who defy the stem of his hatred. Through this webtoon it's almost as if he actively denied or refused to care over this thought. I thought it intriguing considering the immense portrayal of him trying to validate and dissect his decision making. In addition to this, he viciously denounces humanity for trampling over those who are lesser on the technical food chain. Only to yet again, do the same thing. I find it interesting identifying these elements in the content I read where the thought between an intention actively goes against the belief it vows.
ShadowKnight : Guys don't read it I saw some spoiler and ml is wack and so is fl


she tried to escape and he chase her like crazy and imprisoned her without any cloth or contact to the world. But somehow she did kill him but later on like.. she use some sort of magic? And keep his body alive and he submitted to him
Novaklavier : Chan-Il my kind friend, please don't get involved with those two. They're A LITERAL DYSFUNCTIONAL MESSS