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Kirrah : I'm not gonna cry....not gonna ....... Waaaaaaah
peach : Dude desperate for Dietrich's attention
Nyx : I'm crying in daddy issues and not the romanticised version you see on tiktok, I'm crying because I have a father who never loved us, smoke around us all the time when we were younger, beat us, belittled us all the time, never worked hard for us instead my mom had to pick up a job 7 days a week 12 hrs a day, cheated on her, stole her money and ours when we got older and landed jobs and now he tells everyone that we're bad children because we don't love him, I don't even feel comfortable wearing what I want when he's around because the way he looks at me isn't the pure gaze a father would look at his daughters with, reading such stories make me so sad because why couldn't I have a father who loved his wife and children? why do I have to look for a father figure in other men when he's alive and is supposed to be one!